
It's all about the Clip

The 5th generation of our Quick® Bracket.

BioQuick® (Katalog)

  • Properties

    It's all about the clip

    The fifth generation of FORESTADENT's popular Quick® brackets, which have been tried and tested for many years, is now available with the McLaughlin/Bennett/Trevisi Prescription.
    A new clip with a large opening now makes it possible to use any scaler or probe to open the brackets. At the same time, the off-set of the force application point reduces the clip's susceptibility to deformation and damage. This is particularly an advantage in situations where higher forces have to be applied during opening (plaque).
    The fifth generation of our BioQuick® bracket has an additional auxiliary slot that allows the use of auxiliaries or double arch mechanics up to a dimension of .014". The adapted design creates a longer slot with optimized contact points for improved transmission and control of the programmed prescription values.

  • Benefits
    1. New and significantly strengthened clip with large gingival opening which allows to even use scalers or explorers for opening.
    2. Additional .015'' slot for use of auxiliaries or double archwire mechanics.
    3. Improved comntact ribs in the slot for better torque transmission.
    4. Rounded bracket and slot edges for excellent intraoral comfort and less friction.
    5. Surrounding pad edge reduces adhesive overflow and its mesio-distal bevellings facilitate debonding.
    6. Anatomically adapted bracket base with our proven hook-style base for easy and secure bracket placement with reliable adhesion.
  • Downloads & Links
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It's all about the clip

The fifth generation of FORESTADENT's popular Quick® brackets, which have been tried and tested for many years, is now available with the McLaughlin/Bennett/Trevisi Prescription.
A new clip with a large opening now makes it possible to use any scaler or probe to open the brackets. At the same time, the off-set of the force application point reduces the clip's susceptibility to deformation and damage. This is particularly an advantage in situations where higher forces have to be applied during opening (plaque).
The fifth generation of our BioQuick® bracket has an additional auxiliary slot that allows the use of auxiliaries or double arch mechanics up to a dimension of .014". The adapted design creates a longer slot with optimized contact points for improved transmission and control of the programmed prescription values.

  1. New and significantly strengthened clip with large gingival opening which allows to even use scalers or explorers for opening.
  2. Additional .015'' slot for use of auxiliaries or double archwire mechanics.
  3. Improved comntact ribs in the slot for better torque transmission.
  4. Rounded bracket and slot edges for excellent intraoral comfort and less friction.
  5. Surrounding pad edge reduces adhesive overflow and its mesio-distal bevellings facilitate debonding.
  6. Anatomically adapted bracket base with our proven hook-style base for easy and secure bracket placement with reliable adhesion.

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Phone: +49 7231 459 0

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